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Health hub

Dive into the innovative space where our knowledge and experience come together. By bundling our articles on health, training, nutrition, and lifestyle, our ambition is to help you understand your health and introduce you to our vision.

Carbohydrates: controversial, but more useful than we think
Nutrition 13 Oct 2022 5 min

Carbohydrates: controversial, but more useful than we think

You eat them every day. Carbohydrates are an important part of our diet, but also one of our most controversial nutrients. On one website you read “carbs are unhealthy”, while another blog titles “carbs are essential for a healthy diet”. What are carbohydrates and what can you believe? In this article, we shatter the myths about carbohydrates and get rid of the many contradictions.
Everything about proteins, the building blocks for a healthy body
Nutrition 13 Oct 2022 6 min

Everything about proteins, the building blocks for a healthy body

You probably know that proteins are an essential part of a healthy diet, but what else do you know about proteins? Admit it: actually not that much. Proteins are often associated with muscle building, but that is certainly not their only function. Proteins are therefore one of the most underestimated macronutrients.
Neurotransmitters: the messengers that control everything in your body
Health 13 Oct 2022 5 min

Neurotransmitters: the messengers that control everything in your body

Thousands of miles of microscopic wiring. The complexity of our brain is difficult to grasp. Fortunately, there is such a thing as neurotransmitters. Chemical messengers who keep an overview in all chaos and transmit messages between nerve cells, neurons. In this way, they affect every cell, tissue, organ, and muscle in our body.